Tuesday, April 21, 2015

What Do Your Clothes Do For You?

Anchors over the years have been a symbol of security, stability, being grounded and strength as they hold down ships even in the stormiest of weather. 

If and when you run into me, I always have on something with an anchor or it; earrings, a necklace, a bracelet, or just the tattoo on my forearm, shined up peeking out of the rolled up sleeve of my cardigan. If I’m having a bad day, I look down at that anchor and remind myself of all the things stated above that reside in me.

That’s what your clothes should do: (outside of a higher power) bring some type of peace to your life. Whether it’s a crease in your pants that reminds you it’s okay to be straight-laced, the little wrinkles you haphazardly leave in your shirt as a reminder not to take life too seriously, or a kooky pair of socks you put on to make others laugh. 

If you don’t have pieces that bring you peace or happiness, I suggest you reflect on your wardrobe until you find it. It may be a superstition of mine or a crutch (like a child's security blanket) but I believe that your clothing is more powerful than you know. Choose wisely.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Shop Your Closet Update

This post will be sweet and to the point. Just want to show you the outfits I came up with during "Shop Your Closet” week. I learned a lot about myself while picking out my clothes each day. Here are some of my observations: 
  • I really like black
  • I need to incorporate more color into my wardrobe
  • I dig no-fuss clothing
  • I look great in jeans

Going into this project, I figured it was a good way to look great without spending any money. And I knew it would teach me how to work with what I’ve got and be grateful for what I have. Those lessons were much-needed, but this challenge also helped me become a more focused and conscious shopper. Knowing what you like and don't like, you avoid buying items that will sit in your closet, with you rifling past them saying “Why did I buy this.” Trust me, your pockets will thank you.

I know a lot of you didn’t participate this week, but I challenge you do so next month. Shop Your Closet was a terrific experience for me and I would love to share it with you all.

So long until next time... 

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Shop Your Closet

“I have nothing to wear" is probably the most common phrase uttered by men and women. This phrase transcends generations, gender, race, and social classes. It’s usually followed by the person staring at their closet as if their clothes have failed them horribly. Then comes a complete loss of hope and the inevitable trip to the mall

I’ve played the “nothing to wear” game on many occasions, but recently one of my wise friends overheard me and replied "take a look at your closet, but do it with the mindset that you have absolutely no money to buy new clothes, and watch the ideas you come up with.” Of course I walked away thinking "She has no clue what she is talking about. This will never work.” However, she was correct. As I stood there ideas started to flow and I began thinking “this can go with that, that can go with this.” In no time I HAD SOMETHING TO WEAR.

So I have decided to make a segment for the blog called "Shop Your Closet" and I hope you will join me. We can look at our closets in a new way, and also give me a chance to interact with you guys. If you are like me, you don't have a ton of money to spend on clothes, but still you want to look nice.

Here's how it works: I will post looks I have put together using the items in my closet (I will not go out and purchase anything new for this segment to complete the look). I will post these looks to my blog every third Saturday of the month. We will start this month’s post on April 18th. 

Want to join the fun? Upload your looks online and mention me (Facebook: Marcia Craggett or Instagram: ms_fash) to show off what outfits you put together. I can’t wait to see your looks!